Request for custom values captured per item selected

We would like the ability to define values per item selected as dynamic values for the customer to enter. For example…

Lets assume you are a restaurant and you are selling meals…

  • having a field to prompt the customer to enter the Name the item sold is for
  • having the ability to prompt for custom notes for the item sold
    ability to enter “date of delivery” on a per item ordered bases instead of per order bases.

very similar to how some shopping carts online have prompting for name and special shipping notes for the order, but we are asking for this ability as a per item because we need to know who each item is for. As of right now, only way customers are able to work around it is by processing each item separately and having a name value added to the checkout, but again this doesn’t work if multiple items orders for multiple people.

Another example is a “date of delivery” value so that customers can order multiple days worth instead of processing multiple orders limited to 1 order per day.

I’m sorry, but we don’t have such a feature now. Anyway, I will add this to our feature request list and may consider building it if a sufficient number of people request it.

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