Inbox/Messages Tab in dashboard

I would love to have a tab where I can message customers through the store email without having to change the order status. For example, I like to send a review form to my customers but would like to do it directly through so I can have all the messages in one place & to make it easier to contact my customers.
An example would be similar to the wix inbox that I used to use before I found

Hi Jet,

We will be adding a custom notes feature inside the dashboard soon. This can be used to communicate anything with the customer over email. There will be an option to add tracking link when you ship an item.

Hope this will solve your issue to an extend.

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This will work perfectly for what I need and will make giving customers information so much easier. I can’t wait! :smiley:

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Hi Jet,

We have added the ‘Add note’ feature on the order page so you can communicate any message with the customer. Please try it out and let me know your thoughts.

Hi Shyjal,
I have tried out this feature and it works great!
Thank you for all your hard work.

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