why? this is my storename thanafishhub.in in this name will navigate to your main page?
Hi Anfas,
Can you please share your DNS settings that you have added for thanafishhub.in?
If you wish to have a private conversation, please send an email to care@store.link
Your root domain thanafishhub.in is redirecting to thanafishhub.store.link now. You can change it to www.thanafishhub.in, where you have already set a custom domain.
i need refund store not working for some users if they search navigating to store.link webste
Hi Anfas,
If you have set the correct redirection rules for your domain from thanafishhub.in to www.thanafishhub.in it should have worked properly.
Anyways, if you wish not to continue using our platform, please email care@store.link to initiate the refund.