When pressing the button to confirm the order, display a message indicating that the order has been received, followed by an optional feature to send it to WhatsApp. This ensures the client is confident the order has been placed.
Hi Santiago,
Your feedback is important to us.
We have currently design the flow of a WhatsApp store to have less number steps from Cart to checkout to WhatsApp message.
Adding an additional step/page can affect the chances of getting the order confirmation inside WhatsApp.
We will try to see how we can improve this checkout experience.
I had the same query and would appreciate it if you could look into this.
Many of our customers in France are immigrants, and some use Indian WhatsApp numbers, while others use French numbers without WhatsApp. Additionally, many women use their spouse’s or partner’s email addresses for orders, leading to confusion about whether their order has been placed.
It would be great if we could find a way to simplify and address these communication challenges. Thank you!
This feature was designed for countries with high WhatsApp penetration, such as Indonesia, Brazil, and India. For these markets, this flow is ideal because store owners typically use WhatsApp only for new orders.
We recommend turning off WhatsApp orders altogether if your country has a low number of WhatsApp users. This will allow your store to function like a traditional e-commerce platform, complete with a confirmation page, and you will receive orders via email or through our dashboard.
What I meant was to simply add a pop-up confirming that we’ve received the order once people hit the “Confirm” button and then giving them the option to continue and send it to WhatsApp. There’s not much change in the workflow, just a confirmation in between. Currently, there’s no confirmation message; instead, it redirects to WhatsApp not saying a thing, which many interpret as if the order hasn’t been sent yet (to our email/dashboard). For now, we’re adding a text to the “Confirm” button to indicate that we’ve received the order, even though there’s no confirmation message (which is the feature I’m requesting), and that sending it to WhatsApp is optional.
Hi! thank you! but what I meant was to simply add a pop-up confirming that we’ve received the order once people hit the “Confirm” button and then giving them the option to continue and send it to WhatsApp. There’s not much change in the workflow, just a confirmation in between. Currently, there’s no confirmation message; instead, it redirects to WhatsApp not saying a thing, which many interpret as if the order hasn’t been sent yet (to our email/dashboard). For now, we’re adding a text to the “Confirm” button to indicate that we’ve received the order, even though there’s no confirmation message (which is the feature I’m requesting), and that sending it to WhatsApp is optional.
This decision was made with careful consideration. Sending the order to WhatsApp involves several steps, including the necessity of sending a message. We designed this process to give the impression that the order is not yet confirmed, which encourages users to continue with their actions. If we had displayed the order as confirmed from the outset, it is possible that users might have closed the tab prematurely.
We conducted extensive testing on this process and ultimately concluded that the current version is the most effective for the majority of users in regions where WhatsApp is the primary communication platform.
how about
- send order to whatsapp
- send order to email
that way forcing all user to only have whatsapp when its not available
I recommend you turn off the WhatsApp feature in your country.
Some countries, like Brazil, Indonesia, India, etc., have almost 100% WhatsApp penetration among online users. We have designed our WhatsApp order specifically for these countries and do not plan to disrupt their flow.